WeAlign is an online community of and for people who want to be their best selves... and who want to live their best lives.
"We don't believe you. You need more people." Jay Z, The Takeover
We lead with "We" quite intentionally, because we believe in the power of community. We believe that we are better together. We believe the African proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Life can feel absolutely overwhelming. The pressures of home... and work... and relationships... and finances... It can all seem like so much, too much.
For over a decade people like you have used the Align Approach to face their feelings of overwhelm and seized power in and over their lives. Using the step-by-step methodology they have claimed control over themselves and over the only thing any of us, ultimately, controls: the next step.
Ram Dass shared, "We're all just walking each other home." Well, consider this community our gathering place, our home base from where we can set our course, from where we can embark on our journeys, walking together through the darkest valleys and up to peaks with views that will take our collective breath away.
Why WeAlign?
WeAlign because all of us are smarter than any of us.
WeAlign because community is the antidote for our loneliness.
WeAlign because life is too precious to be wasted.
WeAlign because we know what happens to a dream deferred.
WeAlign because the path to greatness often includes tapping into something greater than ourselves.
Welcome to WeAlign, the online community committed to helping you do you better... together.
The positive impact community can have on our individual, team, and/or organizational performance simply can not be overstated. Whether personally, professionally or both, if you could benefit from improved stress management, heightened self-esteem, expanded capacity, and even improved health (e.g. lowered blood pressure), you are in the right place. Come on in and start to learn from ambitious, empathetic people like you how you can align who you are, where you are, and where you want to go to get unstuck and move toward a version of yourself and your life that is so great that you barely dare to dream it.
We are so appreciative of the entire Align Performance family. For 12 years and counting, I have had the absolute privilege of Walking The Line next to some of the smartest, kindest, most competitive, humble, driven, creative -- You get the point. -- people I have ever known. They've faced their fears, shed the shoulds, and expanded what was possible in their lives by trusting our methodology, our coaches... and themselves.
With WeAlign, we have an opportunity to expand the sphere of our impact by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd, the power of the people to the equation. We each have so much to learn, but also so much to teach. Both facilitate growth. And, let's face it, if sports have taught me anything over 40+years of playing and coaching it is the power of team.
In the words of the hip-hop philosopher, Phife Dawg: My crw is never, ever wack because we stand strong...
I thank you for standing (strong) with us.